
Chairman’s Message

There are an unaccounted number of orphans and homeless children in Azad Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. This problem was exacerbated by the Earthquake in October, 2005.

Since November 2005, Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust (KORT) has been and is providing a home, medical facilities, and above all a quality education for almost 200 orphans in the city of Mirpur (AJK).

It is our aim to provide a safe and secure home as well as an excellent education for 1000 orphans and 500 under privileged children by 2016 in KORT’s new educational complex at Jarrikas, Mirpur (AJK).

It is our belief that every child deserves a quality education, and unfortunately, as we are a developing country and lack financial resources to provide such necessities for these children, it is organisations such as KORT who are trying to fill the gap working alongside the Governments of Pakistan and AJK.

As well as providing quality mainstream education, KORT will also provide technical training and scholarships to suit the mindset of the children.

However, these children are not only the responsibility of the governments but also that of the whole nation. It is not the choice of a child to become an orphan but you/we have the choice to make a difference in his/her life!

It is through education and technology that we can transform from a developing to a developed country. Therefore, it is KORT’s belief that the foundation of a successful nation is based upon education!


KORT is my vision, we don’t not focus on color, cast, religion or creed, KORT is base of humanity.

Muhammad Akhtar / CEO of KORT