

On 08 October 2005, a devastating earthquake struck Azad Kashmir at 08:52am as children studying at schools and people were fast asleep following dawn prayers due to the month of Ramadan. The powerful earthquake killed over 100,000 people and changed the lives of millions forever.

A group of friends led by Mohammed Akhtar traveled to the region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir on the 14th of October 2005 with over £100,000 worth of aid after witnessing events unfold in the media. .

Human cost aside, the economic devastation that visited Kashmir that morning was a massive setback for the region. Pictures of the disaster were circulated around the globe within a few hours and thousands of people responded with the same compassion they had shown to the Boxing Day tsunami victims in Indonesia just 11 months earlier.

After distributing aid to the major devastated cities; Muzaffarabad, Bagh, Rawalakot and Mansehra, it was then realized by Mohammed Akhtar that there was a greater need for the longer term support of the children orphaned by the Earthquake. The name given to this noble cause was Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust (KORT).

In the beginning, Kashmir orphans relief trust (KORT) focused its attention to the earth quake victims just to provide essential items Relief goods. Thereafter it was proposed to provide and facilitate to the orphans by providing them free messing, accommodation, extra care, health, education and all other facilities which are necessary to make these orphans a good and honorable citizen

At the initial stage KORT Chairman along with his team met with the local authorities of Bagh, Muzaffarabad and Rawalakot districts to provide and handover the orphans and homeless children.

After very hard struggle the chairman succeeded to collect 73 orphans where Kashmir orphans relief trust had a capacity of approx. 100 orphans. At the time writing this article KORT now serves 210 orphans with all facilities.

Keeping in view of the difficulties of the guardians, residing in the district Mirpur and its surroundings, it was then decided by Chairman Muhammad Akhtar to accommodate the most deserving orphans of district Mirpur and its surroundings. Few orphans outside district Mirpur have also been accommodated accordingly.

KORT is funded by the families, friends and individual donations.

KORT is registered UK based Charity number: 1113836